As part of the College of Engineering’s distinguished speaker series, UM will host Josephine Cheng, an IBM Fellow and vice president of IBM research.
Cheng will speak on energy, water and sustainability and the work IBM is doing in the development of smart intelligent systems and health care.
She will also address how technology is changing the world and how the world is becoming “smarter.”
“We are all very fortunate to have Dr. Cheng giving a seminar at UM,” said Nurcin Celik of UM’s Department of Industrial Engineering. “It is an opportunity for the UM community to see where the technology is flowing and what are the problems that IBM is currently addressing.”
Cheng will also be attending a mentoring session after her presentation to further inform and connect with both students and faculty.
“This initiative aims to motivate female students to pursue careers in science, engineering, mathematics and technology and to support them in their studies,” Celik said.
For female engineering students, Cheng is an inspirational role model.
`“Having a woman engineer come to UM to speak is very inspirational for women,” freshman engineering student Amanda Durham said. “Not a lot of women pursue the career path of an engineer. My engineering classes are predominantly filled with men. It empowers women in fields where most people think its a ‘man’s job.’”
The distinguished speaker lecture aeries is an important resource and opportunity for all UM engineering students, both male and female.
“The College of Engineering lectures are inspiration to discover and are proof that there are new things out there beyond the concrete facts and formulas we learn in class,” freshman engineering student Trevor Hirst said. “People are still developing and discovering, and it is still a changing world.”
The lecture will be held March 31 at the Storer Auditorium from 3:30-4:30 p.m.
Kristen Spillane may be contacted at kspillane@themiamihurricane.com.
Who: Josephine Cheng
What: Distinguished speaker series in College of Engineering
When: March 31, 3:30-4:30 p.m.
Where: Storer Auditorium