Cane Crawl offers discounts at Grove

This week three Miami residents want to make Black Friday a night to remember.

UM senior Andy Rovira, recent alumnus Steven Rico and their high school friend Jesse Vazquez are organizing a bar crawl.

“It’s a good way to meet new people and experience night life in the city,” Vazquez, a senior at Arizona State University, said about his bar crawling experiences in Europe.

Black Friday, the biggest shopping day of the year, is the day after Thanksgiving and is known for early morning sales, aggressive crowds and overspending.

“I would come home for Thanksgiving break and I wanted to see my friends and go out with them,” Vazquez said. “But it being Black Friday, people didn’t want to go out and spend money.”

With this predicament, he recruited the assistance of Rovira and Rico.

Cane Crawl will take place in Coconut Grove and will tour bar favorites like Mr. Moe’s, Tavern, Barracuda’s, Sandbar, Crazy Pianos, Green Street and Bice Bistro.

“We aim to make Cane Crawl a bar-hopping adventure,” Rovira said. “It is Black Friday, so who is going to want to spend money on drinks that night?”

Other incentives include free shots and discounted drinks at some bars. Also, a unique addition to the Cane Crawl, is a scavenger hunt among the seven groups participating.

“As a group leader, I am most worried about gaining control over everyone, guiding them safely from place to place and cutting back on those who are too drunk,” Rico said. He said no one will be allowed behind the wheel if intoxicated.

Cab companies will be readily available and utilized.

“We are really working hard to make it a night to remember and as college friendly as possible,” Vazquez said. “Everything we plan is with the students in mind.”

Participation requires wristbands which determine bar routes. Students may obtain a wristband (the color being determined by whether you are single or in a relationship) by purchasing them in the School of Communication Courtyard Monday and Tuesday at $5 for men and $2 for women. Those interested are welcome to pay the night of at a higher price: $10 for men and $5 for women. The class of 2007 from  Belen Jesuit Preparatory School in Miami will get in free, a perk of being friends with the founders of Cane Crawl.

For more information, check out the Facebook event “The Cane Crawl” or become involved on the Web site,

Jenny Hamilton may be contacted at