The girls of 85 Broads, Women in Business, sat from one corner of the room to the other filling the entire front row as they waited for the panelists to begin. The members of 85 Broads were all freshly dressed in black blazers with their neck, ears, or wrists covered in pearls for their 2nd edition of 85 Broads Pearls of Wisdom.
At the panelist desk sat five very diverse and high professional women, shoulder to shoulder ready to reveal the steps they took to become successful and the struggles they encountered along the way.
“UM has given me so many opportunities, I’ve traveled to so may places,” said panelist Aime Deem, Head Coach of the University of Miami’s track and field team and Dean of the school of business, as she explained her rise to the top of the ladder.
“Take opportunities,” was her last bit of advice to the audience.
All five panelists agreed that is important not to get married until you’ve established a career for yourself. “It’d be a lot to juggle kids and cases,” said FBI Special Agent and recruiter Kathleen Cymbaluk who was a Clinical Dietician prior to becoming an FBI Agent. “Work hard, good things lead to other good things,” was her advice.
85 Broads is an organization at the UM that actually comes from New York City, where the community network began. Founded in 1997 by Janet Hanson, a professional working at Goldman Sachs, it’s intent is to connect women and leverage one another’s potential.
“I loved it, I could’ve sat there for three more hours listening to those women. It was very powerful,” said Daniela Vicentin, a freshman who attended, “I wish more people attended because a lot of people would’ve enjoyed it.”
“85 Broads is an organization that allows students at the UM to find empowerment through a strong, global network called 85 Broads” said Gilda Sollami, President of 85 Broads at the University of Miami, “Networking can open many doors in your future career and that is why we think our mission is to make members connect successfully.”
85 Broads has grown to encompass over 19,000 women in over 82 countries, working for over 3,500 companies. The next meeting for 85 Broads: Women in Business will be held November 30th.
Anyone interested in getting involved or has questions can contact them at:
Rose Aviles may be contacted at