Young republicans and democrats debate
The University of Miami’s Young Democrats and Young Republicans will be debating the issues that most affect students in the United States. The debate will take place Monday from 7:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. in the UC Lower Lounge. The Council for Democracy will moderate the debate.
Beyond the ballot
The University of Miami department of political science will host Beyond the Ballot, which will provide insight on elections in Florida and nationwide, on Monday at 6:30 p.m. in Storer Auditorium. Featured speakers include Mark Penn and Karen Hughes.
Great Give Away
Random Acts of Kindness is preparing for this year’s Great Give Away, a two-to-three week incentive-based clothing drive that rewards anyone who donates five or more articles of clothing with a brand new ‘U R Awesome’ Shirt. Volunteers are needed and will be able to claim community service hours through the Butler Center for Volunteer Service and Leadership Development, if desired. To get involved, email
Compiled by Parker Davis who may be contacted at