‘Jackass’ visits UM
Johnny Knoxville and Jeff Tremaine of “Jackass” will be on campus on Monday to sign autographs and host a mechanical bull contest from 1-2 p.m. on the UC patio.
Cuban Film Screening
Director Tomás Piard’s film “El Viajero Inmóvil/The Still Traveler” will premiere Tuesday at the Cosford Cinema for the first time in the United States.
Dinner and a Movie
The Women’s and Gender Studies program presents their third annual Dinner and a Movie series on Thursday in the Master’s apartment of Hecht Residential College. The first film will be “Interview With a Vampire,” starring Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt.
Short Film Contest
Aspiring filmmakers across the country are invited to showcase their talent by creating an original two-to-five minute film. A panel of expert judges will choose up to 25 finalists based on creativity, quality and content. Four winners will be chosen to receive a trip for two to the 2011 Sundance Film Festival, including hotel, air and ground transportation. Video submissions will be accepted until Oct. 31 via Time Warner Cable’s YouTube channel, youtube.com/timewarnercable.
Compiled by Parker Davis who may be contacted at pdavis@themiamihurricane.com and Stephanie Parra who may be contacted at sparra@themiamihurricane.com.