News Briefs 9/16

UM Development Update

The University of Miami master plan passed unanimously with a 5-0 vote from the Coral Gables commissioners. President Donna E. Shalala, deans from the School of Architecture, the School of Education and the School of Communication, as well as both men’s and women’s basketball coaches, were present to support the passing of the document that will be a roadmap for UM and the city to work together for the next 20 years.

Major changes approved include the addition of 1,830 seats and the sale of alcohol at the BankUnited Center, the re-zoning of the area in front of the BUC and a five-year postponement of the controversial internal road that originally planned to cut through the Gifford Arboretum.

Ibis Ride returns

The first Ibis Ride of the year will be this Thursday. From 9:30 – 11:30 p.m., Grove goers can get free pizza and hear music at Stanford Circle, where the shuttle picks up students, at an event hosted by SG, AGLO, GAMMA, and Pier 21. The Ibis Ride will resume its regular schedule for the semester, picking up students at Stanford Circle Thursdays and Fridays between 9 p.m. and 2 a.m., and droppin them off in front of CocoWalk.

Dalai Lama ticket to go on sale

UM will host a return visit of the Dalai Lama who will speak on “The Quest for Happiness in Challenging Times” at the BankUnited Center at 1:30 p.m. on Oct. 26. The event is open to UM students, faculty, staff and invited guests.

Tickets will be distributed Oct. 4 and 5 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and are available on a first come, first serve basis.  A valid Cane Card is required. For distribution locations, visit

Fundraiser brings “HOPE”

The HOPE Public Interest Resource Center is hosting a fundraiser Thursday at the California Pizza Kitchen on Miracle Mile. Donations, made up of 20 percent of each order, will help fund public interest fellowship opportunities for Univeristy of Miami law students.

To participate in the fundraiser, students must bring the event’s flyer, which is available at by searching “HOPE.”

Compiled by Parker Davis  who may be contacted at and Kylie Banks who may be contacted at