How many shows are getting unlimited access to your favorite football team that is broadcast all over the state of Florida? Only one.
“Hurricane Gameday” has found its new permanent home here at the School of Communication.
Emmy Award-winning sports producer and editor Nelson Martel was brought in to help with UMTV’s “Hurricane Gameday” by mentoring the students.
But the backbone of the show is comprised of students who work as the crew and handle all the filming.
The opportunity gives communication students hands-on experience in producing a show that reaches 6.4 million homes in Florida on the Comcast CSS network.
“It’s [in] Studio C which is part of the cable studios that are through the School of Communication,” Broadcast Operations Director Natalia Crujeires said. “What we have is a new set element within that studio; it has been specifically designed for [Hurricane Gameday].”
Since “Hurricane Gameday” is now on campus and filmed by students, it can now provide unlimited access to fans of UM athletics.
So far this season, “Hurricane Gameday” has provided its wide array of viewers access to Randy Shannon during a pre-season scrimmage, as well as giving viewers a glimpse the football team on a trip to the movies during their leisure time.
For future shows, “Hurricane Gameday” will provide weight room footage, access to the locker room on game days and more time with the team to and from the away games.
The show will not just cover football, but will also get up close and personal with both men’s and women’s basketball and baseball later this year. The contract with CSS runs during the academic school year.
“The pressure is on,” Crujeires said. “This particular show [differs from] other shows in that it is put on for a network on CSS which brings a whole new dimension and expectation of course.”
Rico Dominguez may be contacted at