ICEE Flavor Announced & Pietro Bortoletto Confirmed as New SG Vice-President
By Ryan Aquilina
Student Government senate held its first meeting of the year on September 1st, confirming Pietro Bortoletto as the new Student Government vice-president in a vote of 24-2. Many SG executive members showed up to speak on his behalf and after the almost unanimous vote, Pietro Bortoletto was sworn in.
Tickets sold out in just hours to Student Government’s first event as part of the new ‘Canes Nights program, sending 150 students to the Marlins game on September 4th. Following the game, students shared the field with Pitbull and Fat Joe for a post-game concert. The next ‘Canes Nights event is currently being planned.
The launch of the Ibis Ride, a long standing SG initiative, will be taking place on September 16th. Plans for an exciting first night are in the works.
Student Government is expecting many exciting things in the upcoming weeks, including finalizing plans for a Fresh Farmer’s Market on the University Green, bringing fresh, locally-grown fruit and vegetables for sale to students. Another SG initiative, a UM iPhone and BlackBerry application, is complete and will be released soon.
And last, but certainly not least, after hundreds of votes were cast, the students have had their say: Pink Lemonade will be the fourth ICEE flavor available in the C-Store, a Dining Services and Student Government collaboration that both Mel Tenen, Assistant Vice President of Dining and Vending Services, and SG President Christina Farmer are very excited about. Expect to see the two ICEE machines installed early next month.
Follow SG on Facebook and Twitter (UMiamiSG) and visit the SG website at
Ryan Aquilina is the Press Secretary for Student Government and can be reached at
SG Dates to Remember:
September 7th – Last day to file for Senate candidacy
September 16th – First night of the Ibis Ride, a long-term SG initiative
September 20-22 – Fall 2010 elections in the UC Breezeway
Every Wednesday at 4:30 p.m. in the UC Ballrooms – Open Senate Meetings
How would you feel about Student Government working to bring Free Legal Services to students?
It might be beneficial to have free legal services.
I would definitely use free legal services if offered.
No way. Why do we need free legal services?
I wouldn’t use the legal services, but hey, they’re free!