Enjoy food and games at the Rat

Looking for the best place to watch University of Miami football games?
It might be a lot closer than you think. It might also be your favorite place to grab a bite to eat between classes.
The Rathskeller, UM’s hot spot and campus landmark, has been hosting UM tailgates or watch parties for several away football games and basketball games.
According to tailgate chair Ali Levenson, the Rathskeller Advisory Board (RAB), which operates under Hurricane Productions, hosts these tailgates completely free of charge.
“There’s always plenty of free food and we often play games that involve winning a ton of free giveaways,” Levenson said.
Rising junior Kristen Chuber, who has attended the events in the past, said the tailgates are the next best thing to watching the real game.
“When you think about a game you think of fried food and guys yelling, and the Rat delivers the full experience,” Chuber said.
According to Rat employee Christine Ira, the crowd at the Rat during the tailgates is usually only Hurricane fans.
“When you come here, it’s all green and orange, and the energy is so much more heightened,” Ira said.
Tailgate regulars have described the events as watching a game with 300 of your closest friends.
“For Miami games, it’s awesome to be with a bunch of people your own age,” said recent graduate Zach Burkowski, who is a regular.
Spirit and adoration for the Hurricanes is one thing that brings students to the Rat for tailgates, but the setup isn’t too bad either.
“You don’t ever get to watch a game on a 200-inch pull-down screen unless it’s at the Rat,” Burkowski said.
  • Walker’s Chicken Fingers
  • Nia’s BUFF-alo Wings
  • The Bergman
  • RAB’s Fish and Chips
  • Milkshake of the Month

Brooke Burgstahler may be contacted at bburgstahler@themiamihurricane.com.