A spring without birds chirping, fish jumping, wind whistling in the trees and calls among the animals is a “silent spring.”
In the 60s, biologist, writer and ecologist Rachel Carson recorded how eerie the silence of spring could be and, in doing so, sparked the modern environmental movement. She opened the eyes of humanity to the lethal stain that prevalent pesticide, insecticide and herbicide use cast on graceful, elegant nature.
“Sense of Wonder,” a one-woman play based on Carson’s life and love of nature, will be performed Thursday night at the Bill Cosford Cinema, sponsored by Professor Weisskoff’s INS 421 class.
Inspired by the work of Carson, actress Kaiulani Lee revived her message by writing “Sense of Wonder” to advance Carson’s ideals and express her love for the natural world. Lee performs this play around the country at conservation conventions, high schools and universities. Now, the curtain rises for Kaiulani Lee’s reincarnation of Carson at the University of Miami.
“Rachel Carson had an immense impact on environmental awareness during her time, that is why it is important to expose her work and draw attention to her perennial influence,” said senior Efren Pagan, one of the primary student organizers of the event.
Weisskoff’s students collaborated to amass the resources required to bring Lee’s production to campus. Thanks to the generosity of the university and several sponsors, admission is free and there will be a reception with the playwright/actress after the show.
“Only by students jumping into this venture in water up to their necks was this production possible,” Weisskoff said.
Josh Kornfield may be contacted at jkornfield@themiamihurricane.com.
What: “A Sense of Wonder,” a play by Kaiulani Lee
Where: The Bill Cosford Cinema
When: Thursday, doors open at 7:30 p.m. Performance to begin at 8 p.m.
Cost: Free admission, reception to follow