Think before speaking

The biggest buzz kill after a day of relaxation is hearing about other people’s workloads. I abhor hearing others’ work schedules arbitrarily because it makes me self-conscious about how much (realistically how little) work I’ve accomplished, and in turn I feel guilty.

When one spews off his or her duties, the goal is to make the listener appreciate how hard the person is working towards his or her goal. Instead it just leads to ambivalence and eventually frustration.

Certainly, someone has to get on the soapbox and complain about all the injustice in the world, but sometimes it’s taken to an extreme. Where am I going with this?

Re-think what you’re going to belt out to the world, and if it’s not productive, then maybe keep it to yourself. Chances are the annoyances you want to let everyone know about will become an additional annoyance to otherwise innocently content bystanders. But, on the other hand, a mutual stance concerning crappy matters could result in a cathartic, empowering effect.

I recognize that this article could, ironically, be a prime example of unnecessary banter, but I hope the point has at least been illustrated.

Evan Seaman is a junior majoring in marketing. He may be contacted at