Need to get away? Antsy to travel the globe?
The University of Miami’s Fall Study Abroad Fair, held on Sept. 15 in the University Center, lured countless students with similar feelings. Well-traveled students and faculty that participated in the Travel Abroad Fair provided prospective study-abroad students with tips for deciding whether this program was right for them.
The University of Miami’s Study Abroad Program boasts over 36 different countries in which to study in countries from the Czech Republic to Australia. Whether it is full-semester programs, Semester at Sea, or new special exchange programs like UPrague or UGalilee with UM-designed courses, the program offers something for everyone.
“Exchange programs can’t happen without students’ participation; why not experience different countries?” said Camilla Humsley, an exchange student from England’s University of Brighton.
The fair’s objective was to allow prospective study abroad students to meet directly with both exchange students from one’s country of interest and UM students who studied there. Organizers believe that kind of first-hand experience is invaluable in making the important decision of where to study.
The fair also emphasized the many benefits of studying abroad.
“Not only is living and studying in another country a great experience, but studying abroad also boosts your resume,” said Jasmine Phillips, assistant director of International Education and Exchange Programs (IEEP).
Phillips, the organizer of the Fall Study Abroad Fair, should know – she studied abroad three times throughout her student career in Brazil and Korea.
According to fair organizers and student travelers alike, the decision of where to study abroad should be yours and yours alone. Different people have their various reasons for wanting to visit a particular country.
“I’m thinking about studying abroad in Australia because I want to visit the Great Barrier Reef before it disappears,” sophomore Adriana Balkissoon said.
Fair organizers encourage students, particularly those who missed the event, to attend information sessions featuring former study abroad participants. For more information, contact the on-campus Study Abroad Office at 305-284-3434.