Music critic and New Yorker editor Ben Greenman takes readers through the psychedelic rise and tragic fall of a 1960s American rock star in his latest novel Please Step Back and will be at Books & Books in Coral Gables on Saturday to talk about it.
Modeled after the real lives of such stars as Curtis Mayfield and Bobby Womack, Please Step Back chronicles the fictional life of The Foxxes’ front man Robert Franklin, better known as Rock Foxx. The Foxxes are a popular San Francisco band that becomes famous during the late sixties and go on to follow the usual firsts of legendary rock bands: first song, first Top 100 hit and first Rolling Stone cover.
While on a high of fame and fortune, the band begins to spiral into the all too enticing world of drugs. Franklin soon discovers that the same culture that has created him has also forced the music to a screeching halt.
Intertwining the perspectives of Franklin and his estranged wife, Greenman goes beyond the life of one rock star and into the time of an American cultural revolution responsible for some of the greatest music of all time.
In true rock star style, the novel comes equipped with a bonus song written by Greenman and featuring music written by Swamp Dogg who also lends his vocals to the track.
If you go:
What: Ben Greenman, whose work has appeared in such publications as the New York Times and McSweeneys, discusses his latest novel Please Step Back.
Where: Book & Books, Coral Gables
265 Aragon Avenue
Coral Gables, Florida 33134
Tel: (305) 442-4408
When: Saturday, August 29, 2009 at 5:00 pm
Cost: Free