The University of Miami has drawn a proposal to expand the Cox Science Building that would take advantage of the funds available in President Barack Obama’s stimulus package.
This application is due Monday and the rewarding of funds will not be determined until six to eight months later. If the funds are approved then the building will begin immediately.
“When you accept stimulus funds they keep you to the deadline,” Kathryn Tosney, the biology chair, said.
The project calls for $18 million from the stimulus package and an additional $5 million from the provost’s office. The new building will be located behind the Cox building which is currently occupied by a small lake.
This building will be different than the Cox building. It will not have people’s names on the labs but instead will be labeled for the type of research being done in them. Therefore, multiple people will be able to do their research in the same lab.
These plans were designed to make this building a center for interdisciplinary work in the sciences.
The plan also calls for cutting edge equipment such as a florescent lifetime imagining microscope. This tool can be used to image brain activity.