You’ve seen them around campus, the people carrying signs with inspirational phrases, giving you a huge smile and often a warm hug. This Wednesday, Random Acts of Kindness (RAK) is inviting you to pay those hugs forward to the entirety of Lake Osceola.
Wednesday is Earth Day, and to celebrate RAK is sponsoring the third annual “Hug the Lake” in conjunction with other eco-friendly events being held to promote a greener world.
“The whole idea behind Hug the Lake is to appreciate our little campus and in turn the big world around us,” said Carol Perry, a past RAK president. “Coordinating it with Earth Day seemed like the perfect way to juxtapose the two and remind ourselves how lucky we are to live here.”
This year, junior Kemy Joseph, the current president of RAK, plans on making this the biggest Hug the Lake ever.
“People ask why we do Hug the Lake, and the answer is this,” Joseph said. “We do it because we love giving hugs and bringing people together and Hug the Lake lets us do both on a big scale while showing our appreciation to the earth.”
If you go
Who: Random Acts of Kindness
What: “Hug the Lake” celebration
Where: Around Lake Osceola
When: Wednesday, April 22; 12:05 p.m.-12:10 p.m.