The Chicago band was originally set to return to South Florida on April 21 at the Mizner Park Amphitheater, but citing “security issues” by the city of Boca Raton, the show will be relocated to the Pompano Beach Amphitheater. All tickets will be honored at the new venue.
It will also serve as one of three stops of the “mtvU Movies and Music Festival” where concertgoers will get exclusive and advance looks at trailers for this summer’s hottest blockbuster movies and opportunities to win tickets to the 2009 MTV Movie Awards.
Drummer Andy Hurley took a break while in Madrid to chat with The Miami Hurricane about all things Twitter and what it’s really like to be trapped on a tour bus for 12 hours.
The Miami Hurricane: How has touring gone so far?
Andy Hurley: We started in Japan and we went to Australia. We played in France a few days ago. We’re in Madrid today and we’ll be going to a couple of other places here. It’s been awesome. I think it’s really been the best group of touring we’ve ever done.
TMH: When you guys are over there in some of these countries, do you try to see some of the sites?
AH: We try. On show days there’s not really a lot of time to because we’re so busy doing press and meet and greets. We had the day off yesterday in Madrid and I walked around for 12 hours.
TMH: The venues are kind of larger this time. Are there any different things coming since they’re larger venues?
AH: I know we have a newer lighting guy and we have a lot of cool things that we’re excited about for this tour. But it’s always a mystery until we play. We like to surprise everyone, but we definitely play up to the stage we’re on.
TMH: Cobra Starship has toured with you before. All Time Low, Hey Monday and Metro Station haven’t. Are you excited to hear them every day and hang out?
AH: We’ve crossed paths before. I’m definitely excited for the tour. Every band is really awesome and I’m excited to play with them and watch them when we have time. This is a tour I’ve been really stoked about for a long time because we didn’t tour a lot last year so it’s awesome to get out again and be out there with some really good bands.
TMH: The title of the tour is Believers Never Die Part Deux. Is that a shout-out to the old fans?
AH: We did Believers Never Die tour a while ago now. I don’t even remember how many years. It’s definitely a shout-out to our old school fans and even the new school ones who believe with all their heart and what we’re doing and get it, I guess.
TMH: It seems there’s a common theme using some French there. Who’s coming up with these titles? Does Patrick have some affinity for French?
AH: He [Patrick] knows a couple of phrases. Pete actually came up with the title for the record. It’s a psychological term which means the shared madness of two. I think it’s just kind of what the record’s about and our American culture in particular: it’s fascination with selfishness and greed and accumulating stuff and now we’ve ended up where we’re at with the state of the economy and the world and climate problems and all these things that hearkens back to this selfishness.
TMH: You guys performed at President Barack Obama’s Inauguration. How was that experience?
AH: That’s one of the crazier, if not the craziest, thing we’ve done. It’s just such a crazy thing and a historical event and such a historical presidency. So to be able to meet him and within about 12 hours of him becoming president was a pretty insane thing to be able to do.
TMH: Does he know your music?
AH: I’m not sure. I don’t imagine he does. I know he likes older stuff like Stevie Wonder. He’s got great taste in music and he’s from Chicago.
TMH: You’re on Twitter. Is there a certain reason why you got it? What’s the most bizarre message you’ve left?
AH: One of my favorite comic book writers, Warren Ellis, had a Twitter so I just started one because he had it. I didn’t know what to do with it and I just posted updates of where I am, but now I have one with all the guys I live with. It’s such a great place to interact with the fans and I answer as many questions as I can and it’s just so cool to be able to hear their experiences from shows and talk about issues that are going on in the world and have dialogue. I’ve gotten myself into trouble at times because I have pretty extreme philosophies and I’m pretty outspoken about things. I’m swearing as much as I can now on Twitter because there’s a program and it’ll rank you amongst all the other Twitterers in the world for how much you swear. I’m trying to get to No. 1.
TMH: The day before the South Florida concert, you’ll be on a bus from New Orleans. What’s the best way to spend a long bus ride like that?
AH: I usually just read a lot. We’ll watch a lot of DVDs and it’s a pretty weird experience touring with a bunch of dudes. First off, we’re like a family so there’s this kind of weird psychology to it that you can’t ever understand unless you’re doing it, just a weird way of communication that’s just so crazy. If people came into the room while we’re like enacting it, I think we’d look pretty insane. Our humor and the way we talk to each other gets weird when you’re cooped up in a bus so long. I love it. I love being on a bus. I love being with the guys, so it’s always fun.