With all of Miami’s glitz and glamor, the city doesn’t seem like a likely home for a local indie music festival. That’s just what producers of the third annual Swamp Stomp hope to change.
The event now known as Swamp Stomp humbly began in 2007 as the brainchild of University of Miami alumnus Parker Smith and a few members of the local band Tavern. It featured local bands playing in the least trendy of venues, a house.
“It was a little disappointing,” said Andrew Hunter, a senior working as the production manager and with marketing for Swamp Stomp ’09. “Ninety people showed even though they had bought burgers for about 350.”
But Swamp Stomp has definitely moved on to bigger things. Last year, the festival gained a few sponsors, relocated to Virginia Key, and drew a crowd of more than 500 people. This year promises to be even bigger and better. Sponsored by The Green Monkey, Stop ‘N Shop, Honor Roll Music and Jimbo’s, the festival will rock Jimbo’s on April 25Â from 7 p.m. to 2 a.m.
T-shirts and games will also be offered this year. Hunter revealed that activities will include a tug-of-war match, hula-hoop contest, and “a reciting of the opening verses of the Canterbury Tales in Middle English in honor of The Last Waltz.”
The music and entertainment is one thing, but one of the best things about Swamp Stomp is its location.
“Jimbo’s is great for a concert because it’s in the middle of nowhere, essentially, so the music can go on all night,” said Nick Moran, a junior who attended the event last year. “Also, it’s a pretty good crowd. You know people are there for the music, unlike a show at a club.”
With its affordable $5 cover, entertainment and great crowd, Swamp Stomp definitely deserves a prominent mark in the April calendar.
If You Go
What: Swamp Stomp ’09
When: April 25 from 7 p.m. – 2 a.m.
Where: Jimbo’s on Virginia Key, across from the Miami Seaquarium
Cost: $5
Additional Information
Confirmed Bands: Tavern, Jahfe, The Big Tasty and The JeanMarie, with more artists to be announced soon
Beer: Domestic, $2; Import, $3
For more information, visit the Swamp Stomp ’09 Facebook group or follow StompTheSwamp on Twitter.