John Karpis, a senior at the University of Miami, took first place in the integral contest at the Mathematics Association of America’s Florida conference at Florida Gulf Coast University on Feb. 14.
According to Patrick J. Bibby, a math professor and coach, integrals involve skills learned in calculus and require ingenuity and creativity to solve.
Juan Bustos, an 18-year-old sophomore who entered the University of Miami when he was only 16, claimed second place.
“This is just a reflection of our preparation through Dr. Bibby,” said Karpis of the team coach.
Three out of the four students, including Karpis and Bustos, all attended the same high school, Miami Springs Senior High in Miami-Dade County.
This is not the first win or contest for either Karpis or Bibby.
Karpis said he has competed in more than three dozen math contests in high school, as well as competing every year in the annual Putnam Mathematical Competition during his four years at UM.
This is Bibby’s third year coaching students for this specific contest and his third year having one of his students win the first place award.
Bibby said he does not plan on quitting coaching any time soon.
“As long as I have the energy and desire, I’ll keep doing it for years to come,” Bibby said.