The Miami Hurricane‘s Editorial Board met at noon on Nov. 2, 2008, to discuss the endorsement of a candidate for president of the United States. The meeting was open to all staff members on the content side of the newspaper as listed in the masthead located on page 2, which includes the news and assistant news editors, sports and assistant sports editors, photo and assistant photo editors, multimedia editors, EDGE editor, Opinion editor, webmaster and the editor at large. Only those who are responsible for the management of content (section editors and assistants, the editor-in-chief) were permitted to vote.
Discussion lasted 30 minutes, as members of the board discussed the two major candidates. At the conclusion of the 30 minutes, a vote was called, and the final result saw six supporting Sen. John McCain and six supporting Sen. Barack Obama. Therefore, it was decided that two separate endorsements would run in the Nov. 3, 2008, edition of The Miami Hurricane, ensuring that no arbitrary tiebreaker was used.
Responses and reactions to our endorsements are encouraged through letters to the editor at and feedback left on the posts at