Dining halls extend hours for Saturday’s game
This Saturday, the Hecht/Stanford and Mahoney/Pearson Dining Halls will open at 8:30 a.m. for the University of Miami vs. University of North Carolina football game. The game begins at noon. On non-game Saturdays, the dining hall opens at 9 a.m.
The dining halls will stay open until 9:30 p.m. on Oct. 4 to accommodate students that go to the UM vs. Florida State University football game. This game starts at 3:30 p.m. The dining hall usually closes at 7 p.m. on Saturdays.
This change was made through the efforts of Student Government and the department of Auxiliary Services.
UM scientists receive EUREKA grant
A team of scientists led by Akira Chiba, a University of Miami biology professor, has received the Exceptional Unconventional Research Enabling Knowledge Accerleration (EUREKA) grant. This grant is given by the National Institute of Health and was awarded to Chiba’s team to finance research about spinal cord injury treatment. Chiba is researching nerve regeneration as a potential cure.
This grant is one of 38 EUREKA grants given by the National Institute of Health, and gives each recipient $200,000 dollars every year for up to four years. The grant’s total funds equal $42 million.
Miller scientists discover significant molecule, could help cancer research
Scientists at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine have identified a molecule that starts the immune system’s response to a virus. This molecule, called the Stimulator of Interferon Genes (STING), was discovered by Glen N. Barber, professor of medicine; Eugenia J. Dodson, chair of Cancer Research; and Hiroki Ishikawa, a post-doctoral fellow.
This molecule helps produce responses against DNA viruses and certain RNA viruses.
Barber and Dodson are attempting to use this knowledge to help fight cancer, as DNA viruses are responsible for most viral cancers.
This information was published in the September issue of the journal Nature.
Rock The Vote finds 2 million college students unregistered to vote
According to Rock The Vote, a nonpartisan organization that attempts to encourage young adults to be politically active, an uncommonly large amount of college students voted in the primaries, but there are still 2 million adults in this group that are unregistered to vote.
The last day to register for the Nov. 4 elections is Oct. 6. A student can register to vote at www.rockthevote.com.
Public funding and policy issues discussion Thursday at 6 p.m.
A panel discussion on public funding and policy issues that affect universities’ research will be hosted as part of the Dialogue for Democracy on Thursday. It will be moderated by Robert Levy, a professor of microbiology, immunology and medicine at the Miller School of Medicine.
The panel will include Patty McAllister, vice president of Government Relations and External Affairs at the Council of Graduate Schools, and Melbourne Briscoe, the president of OceanGeeks. The panel will begin at 6 p.m. at the Sue and Leonard Miller Center for Contemporary Judaic Studies.