It’s time to demand lower ticket prices at the movies

Student movie prices are ridiculously high, and we should get more of a break at the movies. It’s bad enough that we have to pay for books, supplies, gas, clothes, and food (an expensive necessity here at UM). But on top of all those expenses, if we want to relax by going out to the movies, they charge us an arm and a leg. The usual student ticket price is like $7.50. Don’t even think about buying food or beverages at the movies cause you’ll go bankrupt for sure.

Why is it that when you walk into a movie theater it costs $3 for a bottle of water worth ten cents? It’s ludicrous. If you take a date, you’re definitely going to need a loan. For what they charge at the movies you could have a nice meal at a restaurant and at least get your bang for the buck. Since movie theatres began popping up they have always been a place for people to relax. During the Great Depression going to see a movie was the only way to get some air conditioning. I’m surprised they don’t charge you for that too now (insert sarcastic tone here).

Many will argue that our economy is bad and that it is the reason why prices are so high. However, this point is invalid because long before the economy began heading down, a night at the movies was expensive. Interestingly, productivity (how much employees can produce in an hour of work) increased to an annual rate of 6.8 percent last quarter. This means we had economic growth. That information can be found in reports issued by the Labor Department earlier in September.

People can buy a DVD and watch it as many times as they want while getting their money’s worth. It’s more advantageous for one to buy a DVD than to pay for admission to a movie theater. Write to the owners of the theaters and tell them that you demand a price reduction. Speak intelligently, or write them politely, and tell them the problem. The more of us that do it, the more our chances of cheaper movie prices increase. Tell them that you, and everyone you know, will boycott theatres until we get cheaper prices. They will probably send you back a survey, but just keep calling and writing. Eventually they will get the picture (no pun intended). Voicing concerns is one of the greatest freedoms we enjoy in this country; use it so that you can spend less money on the weekends. I have included the number to call for AMC theatres and their address. Try to find a number for Cobb theaters and any other movie theater you think has unfair prices.
AMC Theatres
P.O. Box 725489
Atlanta, GA 31139-9923
1-877-AMC-4450 (877-262-4450)

Ernesto Zaldivar is a freshman majoring in political science. He can be reached at e.zaldivar