SPIKED PUNCH: Liquor up your body with these peppered garments

You’re not gonna find a bowl of the tainted red stuff here. There’s nothing about drinking, punch, and partying. If you want that go find yourself at a tedious frat party and drown in a bowl of jungle juice. But if you want some kickass “punch” in your wardrobe, check out up-and-coming fashion label Spiked Punch, currently known only to a small group of loyalists. Punch is an esoteric garment for fashion mavens who can care less about magazine cutouts and runway styles, and focus more on idiosyncrasy and creativity. You’ll find yourself digging through the screened graphic designs that include the mad-looking signature “juggie bear,” who’s never illustrated without his alcohol and a prominence of eccentric militant designs, edging on a punk-rock attitude.

The ingenious mind behind this growing label is Daniel St. George, a 24 year-old painter and former Robert Lee Morris jewelry art director. No large, corporate design team is behind Spiked Punch-St. George is the singular designer. He just likes to consider himself a “painter,” and deems himself to be somewhere in between an artist and a fashion designer. Put it this way: his work is too artsy to be graphic, and too graphic for fine arts.

Though he was a military child growing up during the Gulf War, there is no political significance in his designs: he claims that he is just trying to work out some personal things with his past that encompass the militaristic images. While working at Robert Lee Morris, St. George developed a greater interest in fashion and began working with printmaking, which finally led him to develop the idea of creating his own clothing line.

“[Spiked Punch] is an expression of who I am,” says St. George. ” Instead of creating art on canvas and other media, I decide to do it on clothing.”

It’s about taking normality and ordinariness and changing them slightly by reinventing them. His designs are limited to T-shirts and he is currently working on “cut-and-sew hoodies.” Some regard his work as “ugly cute,” meaning that the icons or designs are ugly in nature, like the bear images, but create a cute fa